MADGE Tour Food+Family+Health – March 2015

MADGE Tour Food+Family+Health – March 2015

Hear from international experts on how to make well-balanced and informed decisions. Full details here

Melbourne meetings will be from 19th-21st March, Sydney meetings from Monday 23rd to Wed 25th March. Then NZ 26th-28th March.

Dr Michelle Perro, Paediatrician in Marin County, Ca. In her 30 years as a paediatrician, she has seen children's health decline dramatically. Over half of US children are now diagnosed with a chronic disorder.

Zen Honeycutt, Founder, Moms Across America. She has radically improved her children's health by changing their diets. Zen's group MAA tested breastmilk and found it contaminated with Roundup weedkiller.

Dr Michael Antoniou, Head of the Gene Expression and therapy group at Kings College London. Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, Guys Hospital, London. He researches human gene structure and fuction leading to the development of gene and cell-based therapies.

These are important meetings for informed eaters !