
About the food regulation system

Australia and New Zealand have a joint system to make our food safe to eat. The key ministers and government agencies develop, implement and enforce mandatory food standards. They work with industry, consumers and other key stakeholders to protect public health and safety.

About the food regulation system

New evidence shows unintended changes from gene editing are different from random mutations

A new study (Item 1) shows that the use of CRISPR/Cas ‘gene scissors’ causes unintended genetic changes that are different from random mutations.

New evidence shows unintended changes from gene editing are different from random mutations

2024 Bit Chute clip – Over 20 000 000 – Covid Era contracts – GMO – High Injustice – From Australia

It is not just about the food we consume but other things we put into our bodies.  As such, we needed to share this information in full disclosure of the genetically modification found by various doctors here and around the world of the COVID-19 vaccine and the case that was taken against The Office of Gene Technology Regulation.


2024 Regenerative Health. Regenerate. Fire Pit Chat Sept 18.

Food Standards Australia New Zealnd (FSANZ) proposal on GM foods – Bait and Switch. Have your say. 

Fire Pit Chat Sept 18

2023 DOCO – Thrive II: This is What it Takes

Now available for FREE, Thrive II explores breakthrough innovations from around the world, unpacks the principles they have in common and offers insights, tools and strategies for reclaiming our lives and future.

Thrive II: This is What it Takes DOCO

2020 DOCO – Kiss the Ground.

Narrated by Woody Harrelson. Actvists, scientists and politicians turn to to regenerative agriculture to save the planets’ top soil, and combat climate change.

For schools

2023 DOCO – Common Ground

 Follow up to Kiss the Ground. Celebrities explore how many of the problems that ail humans connect to the state of the world’s soil. Independent farmers implementing historic indigenous techniques demonstrate how changing agricultural practises could potentially save the world.

Common Ground DOCO

GMO or Non GMO? CRISPR Conundrum- Oct 2023

CRISPR-Cas9, the “genetic scissors”, is being presaged as a revolutionary technology, having tremendous potential to create designer crops by introducing precise and targeted modifications in the genome to achieve global food security in the face of climate change and increasing population.




GE Covid Lettuce and Spinach – 29 Oct 2021

The US National Science Foundation has given University of California Riverside scientists $500,000 of taxpayer money to try to turn edible plants like lettuce or spinach into mRNA vaccine factories. But it’s highly unlikely that the technology will work as intended – and it poses serious contamination risks.


GM 2. Markets fact Sheet. 2018

There is currently a global push by the biotechnology industry to deregulate a variety of new genetic modification (GM) techniques – often referred to by industry as ‘gene editing’ or ‘new plant breeding techniques’. Download

2018 DOCO – the Need to Grow

Can we feed the world without destroying it? Rosario dawson’s award winning film The need to Grown shows the SOLUTIONS. 

The Need to Grow DOCO

GM Myths and Truths

First published 2014; GMO Myths and Truths by Earth Open Source. The 2016 Edition is available on booksellers online.

An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically modified crops and foods


How to live sustainably and chemical free

It seems worthwhile to protect your health, while also protecting the health of the environment by reducing the “chemical load”, with a few simple measures that can be employed over time


2017 GM-Free Shopping List

Latest list of Australian GM-free labelled products. Download

Clean Weed Control

A Powerpoint Presentation to help lobby your council for glyphosate-free weed control. Download

2015 GM-free shopping list

Second edition of the GM-free shopping list for all your food needs. Download

GMO Myths and Truths Report

Genetically modified crops and foods are neither safe nor necessary to feed the world, the second edition of this report shows. Released May 2014. Read more

GM-Free songs

Songs for your next event, to tunes you know..”Hey, diddle diddle Monsanto have fiddled around with our food and our seeds…..” Download

“Right to Know” – GM-free shopping list

The GM-Free Australia Alliance has compiled this list to celebrate the growing number of companies choosing to label their products GM-free. Launched on 18th October 2014 in Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne. Download

GM wheat and barley in Australia 2014

Australia’s paddocks are being used for a risky GM experiment. South Australia and Western Australia will grow GM wheat and Barley “trials” at 5 locations from 2014 to 2019. This follows market rejection of US wheat when unauthorised GM wheat was found growing in an Oregon paddock in 2013. This update has all the latest info on the Australian “trials”. Download

Seed industry 2013

Changes in ownership involving major seed companies are shown in this excellent work by Associate Professor Phillip Howard of Michigan State University. The largest firms are represented as circles, proportional to their global commercial seed market share. Download

Fed Up with Fsanz

This report was launched in October 2012 by Mothers Are Demystifying Genetic Engineering (MADGE). It outlines the inadequate response of our food regulator, FSANZ, to the growing body of evidence showing harm caused by GM food. Download

No appetite for Australian GM wheat

Australia may be the first country to approve commercial genetically manipulated (GM) wheat. Major grain companies do not want to buy it.This report, released in January 2013, details market responses from buyers in Australia, Indonesia, Italy, Japan and Malaysia. Our markets, worth $7.5 billion, could be at risk. Download


GMO or Non GMO? CRISPR Conundrum- Oct 2023

CRISPR-Cas9, the “genetic scissors”, is being presaged as a revolutionary technology, having tremendous potential to create designer crops by introducing precise and targeted modifications in the genome to achieve global food security in the face of climate change and increasing population.




GE Covid Lettuce and Spinach – 29 Oct 2021

The US National Science Foundation has given University of California Riverside scientists $500,000 of taxpayer money to try to turn edible plants like lettuce or spinach into mRNA vaccine factories. But it’s highly unlikely that the technology will work as intended – and it poses serious contamination risks.


GM 2. Markets fact Sheet. 2018

There is currently a global push by the biotechnology industry to deregulate a variety of new genetic modification (GM) techniques – often referred to by industry as ‘gene editing’ or ‘new plant breeding techniques’. Download

GM Myths and Truths

First published 2014; GMO Myths and Truths by Earth Open Source. The 2016 Edition is available on booksellers online.

An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically modified crops and foods


How to live sustainably and chemical free

It seems worthwhile to protect your health, while also protecting the health of the environment by reducing the “chemical load”, with a few simple measures that can be employed over time


2017 GM-Free Shopping List

Latest list of Australian GM-free labelled products. Download

Clean Weed Control

A Powerpoint Presentation to help lobby your council for glyphosate-free weed control. Download

2015 GM-free shopping list

Second edition of the GM-free shopping list for all your food needs. Download

GMO Myths and Truths Report

Genetically modified crops and foods are neither safe nor necessary to feed the world, the second edition of this report shows. Released May 2014. Read more

GM-Free songs

Songs for your next event, to tunes you know..”Hey, diddle diddle Monsanto have fiddled around with our food and our seeds…..” Download

“Right to Know” – GM-free shopping list

The GM-Free Australia Alliance has compiled this list to celebrate the growing number of companies choosing to label their products GM-free. Launched on 18th October 2014 in Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne. Download

GM wheat and barley in Australia 2014

Australia’s paddocks are being used for a risky GM experiment. South Australia and Western Australia will grow GM wheat and Barley “trials” at 5 locations from 2014 to 2019. This follows market rejection of US wheat when unauthorised GM wheat was found growing in an Oregon paddock in 2013. This update has all the latest info on the Australian “trials”. Download

Seed industry 2013

Changes in ownership involving major seed companies are shown in this excellent work by Associate Professor Phillip Howard of Michigan State University. The largest firms are represented as circles, proportional to their global commercial seed market share. Download

Fed Up with Fsanz

This report was launched in October 2012 by Mothers Are Demystifying Genetic Engineering (MADGE). It outlines the inadequate response of our food regulator, FSANZ, to the growing body of evidence showing harm caused by GM food. Download

No appetite for Australian GM wheat

Australia may be the first country to approve commercial genetically manipulated (GM) wheat. Major grain companies do not want to buy it.This report, released in January 2013, details market responses from buyers in Australia, Indonesia, Italy, Japan and Malaysia. Our markets, worth $7.5 billion, could be at risk. Download